
Walking in the Rain

Flowers in the my favorite park.
I think I got used to life here enough to enjoy
taking some photos of roses.
I wish I know the name of these roses.



Every one a year, my company have a BBQ party at the beach.
This year it was on 27th on Friday.
The weather was not that much good, but we really had fun!

Liquors were better than last years'.
But food was so so......
This wine was really good, I kept drinking this.

East Port

I went to port with my friends.
After we ate so much Korean food, we wanted to take
a walk, not just went back home.
It was really good place to walk and see.
The best season of the year has finally came to Dalian.


Doritos in China

多力多滋 sounds like "Doritos" in Chinese....
I have never seen American size big Doritos.
Doritos sold in China is quite small.



星巴克 means for "Starbucks" in Chinese.
星巴克 itself doesn't mean anything in Chinese.
(It sounds like "Starbucks")
This is a tumbler I got in Beijing.



The co worker's boyfriend is Korean.
He took us to the popular restaurant for pettitoes.
(↑this is popular among Korean people too.)

Me and another Japanese coworker were scared by this look.
This was my first time to have ↑this.
It tastes actually not bad.
I love to eat this again~


One Dream One World

I found those status in the labor park. Cute!
Beijing Olympic is welcomed everywhere!


Chinese Traditional Festival

China has a day for kids called "端午节".

It comes every May 5th in lunar calender.

So this year, it was June 1st solar calender.

Chinese people make Chimaki (like a picture) for this day.

Japan has the same tradition and eat Chinaki too.

Lovely Saturday Afternoon~

I went to an Italian restaurant near my apartment for lunch.

The atmosphere here is quite nice. There are always some Japanese
costumers enjoying meal in this restaurant. So its menu is also written in Japanese.
It's really helpful.

I had a lunch special menu "Hamburg lunch".

This is a set menu, so it comes with salad, soup, cake and coffee.

I'm very very happy with today's lunch!!!!

(48 yuan = around $8!!!)

After lunch, I went "Victory Square" for window shopping.

This is the largest underground shopping mall IN THE WORLD!!!
(That's what they say.)

After shopping, I went for a walk.
This is a "Labor Park" in front of my apartment.

Walking in the nice weather makes me feel so good~



Few weeks ago, I caught a cold because of Dalian's quickly changing weather.

I haven't caught a cold for a long time.

I bought a "Pocari Sweat" at a convenience store in front of my apartment.
(↑this is a drink from Japan! Very famous one!)

When it comes to "fever, cold", I feel like I have to drink this.

It really works well to my body.

After drinking this, my fever was gone!

I know the name is wired, but it's really good!

(4 yuan= around 60cents)


Sunday Afternoon

Playing badminton.
This is so much fun!


2 months later BD

Yesterday my friends had a birthday party for me.

It was not only for me, but for all who were born in April people.

So many good foods and funny talk with friends.

Now I am 24.

Happy birthday to me and

Happy Birthday to whoever born today.



Today's title stands for Sensitive Sense of Smell.

I have a stuffy nose since I was born.
I've spent lots of time at Otorhinolarygologist.

But lately my nose becomes so sensitive to any kinds of smell.

I didn't have any preference to a fabric softener. But now
I do care it and choose it with good scent.

I didn't care if there is a food left over on my desk.
But now I do care. I don't like the smell.

People change. Nose also changes. Funny.


Extra Work??

Me here in the office at 10:10 in the evening finishing up some ASSIGNMENT.......

When I was a student, it wasn't so hard to stay up for homework, papers etc.

But now I feel really tired. I thought I am young but now i know there's no way I can stay up and do some work...

Feeling lonely in many ways in the office at 10:10..........


Lots of memories

I was reviewing 「my picture」 folder,
I found this picture.
When I was in Canada, I dropped by Tim Horton's and
had a cup of coffee almost everyday.
Canadian people love to drink coffee with lots of sugar and milk.
So they always go like "medium double double, please"
(meaning medium coffee double sugar and double milk in it.)
But i love to have black coffee.
Whenever I ordered "black coffee", people gave me "Are you sure?" look.
I don't know how many nights I spent with my tons of assignments and
Tim Horton's black coffee.
I don't know how many cups of coffee I bought for my friends just because
I lost rock scissors and paper.
There's no Tim Horton's' in China and Japan.
I really miss it.....


Cloudy days.....

It has been cloudy in Dalian.

It's already June! But it is bit chilly outside.

Can't wait for summer!!!



This is What I LOVE!!!
I drink this 3 times a week!
There are so many flavors!
I always drink "Original" flavor.
It tastes like milk tea.
There are many stores selling this.
One bobble tea costs 3 yuan.
I shouldn't drink this too much because it has lots of Calorie.
But I can't help having this!!!!



I got 3 days off this weekend.
I don't have work next Monday. Yay.

Some of my coworkers went for trip.
But I am now in my office getting some information about HTML.

Here's why.

My company is really new.

There's few experienced people on this kind of job. (Internet surfer)

Everybody doesn't know well about what a Internet surfer actually is
when they first come here.
(First of all, my company doesn't require people to have some
knowledge about the Internet before they start job.)

So there's no hard race to get a higher position or get higher salary.

We work hard just to get the idea of "Internet surfer."

"CHANGES" happens sooooooooooooo sudden.

Yesterday my boss call me and offered a promotion (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I am going to work as a "Superviser" from next week.

I've worked here for a year and 2 months.
I already got a chance for a promotion.

My company does not have system like many companies in Japan do.
(Old people get promoted first no matter their ability on certain work.)
Young people can equally get a chance if they work hard.
That's why I like here. I like my company.

My boss gave me some homework.

I have to make my self-introduction page using HTML.
And I have to prepare papers that describe the difference of
Google and Yahoo. I have to finish up by next Wednesday.

This is short notice.

I guess it's better I didn't go to trip.
I can focus on those assignment on this weekend!


A Room with A View

This is a view I can see from my room.
All you can see is apartments!
There are so many apartments, not a house.
Renting a room in Chinese is funny.
It is not normal one person owns one apartment.
Rich people buy A room in an apartment and rent to other people.
So each room has a different landlord.
Even though me and my friends live in the same apartment, our landlords are different.
Each room has different decoration, furniture and style.
That's why it is fun to see my friends' room.
There's another interesting housing situation in China.
In China, men are supposed to buy and own a room in an apartment before theymarry.
Chinese women take this custom for granted.
Many young Chinese men are really stressed out by this because of reasons below...
As Chinese economy grows rapidly, price for things is getting high.
(This fact affects to foreign people living in China as well).
Beijing Olympic 2008 makes this situation worse.
Usually Chinese men in their 20's get 2,000~3,000 yuan per a month in Dalian.
(it varies depending on their job, experience, of course! )
A room in a normal apartment cost at least 800,000 yuan!! (1LDK 100㎡)
Which means so many young guys cannot afford their room for marriage with their monthly payment.
If they buy a room on credit, how many years does it take to pay everything up??
It doesn't sound real to me.
But we don't know my Chinese coworkers are also desperate to this problem
while I am writing this blog........


Internet Access in China

It is famous Chinese government is controlling the Internet.

For example, if i want to find some pictures of Tiananmen(天安門)、
I use Yahoo Japan Image Search and type the word "天安門".

In usual, I see pictures that shows "Tiananmen Square incident".(天安門事件)

But If I do the same thing in China, the search result is quite different
from what i can get in Japan and other Countries.
All I see is beautiful picture of Tiananmen square, or the famous
picture of Mao Tes-tung(毛沢東).

This is because Chinese government controls Internet access.

Wikipedia is also blocked by government in China.......

Usually I don't feel this is uncomfortable.
I have access to Google, Yahoo Japan, facebook etc..
Most of information I want to know is accessible on the Internet in China,

Actually I've never seen my blog.
I can publish my post, but cannot see them as a BLOG.

nhhhhh, Is it because of Chinese strict rule against Internet??
Is it because of Google??
Is it because of the contents of my blog??

I don't know....


Guess What's this!

Lots of you have no idea what this is right??
Well, you might know this is
something to eat.
Here in China, there's so many food that are
very different from those of Japan.
(could be funny, could be weird.....)
When I first saw this, I knew this is jelly.
But I didn't know what KIND of jelly.
At a supermarket, I always see this next to
eggs. Not next to candy or yogurt, or other sweet stuff.
All supermarket sell this.
It's black. I didn't feel like buying this just because it looked weird..
One day, my Japanese coworker (She has lived in China for many years and
speaks Chinese very good!) gave me this "looks like a jelly thing."
She said "This tastes good! It looks not really tasty, but it actually good."
I am kind of a person can't say "NO" to others, (←typical Japanese)
I tried it....
She said "This is made of TURTLE !!"
Now this is one of my favorite Chinese food. ahahaha
It's really good to your health! (This is soooo true!)
You should eat together with some honey or milk !
Mon, Dad, I really got used to here!


Sunday Work....

Today is Sunday, I am here working at my office.

I don't have to work on the weekend, but there's lot of stuff
I want to finish up by Monday. There was no time to do everything
by last Friday.

Of course, there's no payment for weekend work.

There are other employees working in front of me.

It's a bit quiet here compared to weekday office.
But I am not alone. I feel not so lonely.

Well, actually I like it. Working on Sunday sounds special
to me. I feel like I am a hard worker.

For sure many of you do NOT understand how I feel.
And I do believe my DNA really get the spirit of Japanese
way of "Working."