

I got 3 days off this weekend.
I don't have work next Monday. Yay.

Some of my coworkers went for trip.
But I am now in my office getting some information about HTML.

Here's why.

My company is really new.

There's few experienced people on this kind of job. (Internet surfer)

Everybody doesn't know well about what a Internet surfer actually is
when they first come here.
(First of all, my company doesn't require people to have some
knowledge about the Internet before they start job.)

So there's no hard race to get a higher position or get higher salary.

We work hard just to get the idea of "Internet surfer."

"CHANGES" happens sooooooooooooo sudden.

Yesterday my boss call me and offered a promotion (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I am going to work as a "Superviser" from next week.

I've worked here for a year and 2 months.
I already got a chance for a promotion.

My company does not have system like many companies in Japan do.
(Old people get promoted first no matter their ability on certain work.)
Young people can equally get a chance if they work hard.
That's why I like here. I like my company.

My boss gave me some homework.

I have to make my self-introduction page using HTML.
And I have to prepare papers that describe the difference of
Google and Yahoo. I have to finish up by next Wednesday.

This is short notice.

I guess it's better I didn't go to trip.
I can focus on those assignment on this weekend!

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