
A Room with A View

This is a view I can see from my room.
All you can see is apartments!
There are so many apartments, not a house.
Renting a room in Chinese is funny.
It is not normal one person owns one apartment.
Rich people buy A room in an apartment and rent to other people.
So each room has a different landlord.
Even though me and my friends live in the same apartment, our landlords are different.
Each room has different decoration, furniture and style.
That's why it is fun to see my friends' room.
There's another interesting housing situation in China.
In China, men are supposed to buy and own a room in an apartment before theymarry.
Chinese women take this custom for granted.
Many young Chinese men are really stressed out by this because of reasons below...
As Chinese economy grows rapidly, price for things is getting high.
(This fact affects to foreign people living in China as well).
Beijing Olympic 2008 makes this situation worse.
Usually Chinese men in their 20's get 2,000~3,000 yuan per a month in Dalian.
(it varies depending on their job, experience, of course! )
A room in a normal apartment cost at least 800,000 yuan!! (1LDK 100㎡)
Which means so many young guys cannot afford their room for marriage with their monthly payment.
If they buy a room on credit, how many years does it take to pay everything up??
It doesn't sound real to me.
But we don't know my Chinese coworkers are also desperate to this problem
while I am writing this blog........

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