
Guess What's this!

Lots of you have no idea what this is right??
Well, you might know this is
something to eat.
Here in China, there's so many food that are
very different from those of Japan.
(could be funny, could be weird.....)
When I first saw this, I knew this is jelly.
But I didn't know what KIND of jelly.
At a supermarket, I always see this next to
eggs. Not next to candy or yogurt, or other sweet stuff.
All supermarket sell this.
It's black. I didn't feel like buying this just because it looked weird..
One day, my Japanese coworker (She has lived in China for many years and
speaks Chinese very good!) gave me this "looks like a jelly thing."
She said "This tastes good! It looks not really tasty, but it actually good."
I am kind of a person can't say "NO" to others, (←typical Japanese)
I tried it....
She said "This is made of TURTLE !!"
Now this is one of my favorite Chinese food. ahahaha
It's really good to your health! (This is soooo true!)
You should eat together with some honey or milk !
Mon, Dad, I really got used to here!

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