
Swiss Hotel

I went to the Swiss Hotel (5 star hotel in Dalian!) to have dinner with my friends.
(I didn't take any pictures.....)

It was a buff style dinner.
There were sushi, sea foods, Japanese foods, many kinds of cheese,
Chinese foods, breads and so on. Oh there's many cakes, ice creams and
bunch of fruit!

Everything was great!
Not only meal, their service was also good.
I felt like the "Wow, this is a five star hotel~!!"

Of course, this buff is not cheap at all, but it was worth paying for 160 yuan!!!


Burning Burning

Few days ago, at night(it was around 7 O'clock)
so many people were out on the street burning something.

They burned so many yellow papers.
These papers mean "Money".

They burn the papers hoping they don't have any
trouble in the heaven after they are dead.

There was tons of ash after few hours.....


Japan vs Netherland

I went to watch an Olympic soccer game!!!!
It took 4 hours to get to the stadium..

This is a stadium!!
Around there, tickets were sold about 40 yuan!
It was sooooooo cheap!

The most of audience was Chinese even though
this game is not played by Chinese players........

Some(Many) Chinese viewers yelled discriminating words
against Japanese audience. Their behavior was bad...
I was sad.

At the end, we lost the game....

What made me happy was happened after the game.
Outside of the stadium, there are so many foreigners
asking me to take a picture with. It's probably because
I wore Japan national soccer team uniform.

And, there were 4 Chinese people actually supported Japan.
I was so happy to see them!! I talked to them and took a picture with.

I saw the real meaning of the Olympic game this night.



I had a baseball game with my coworkers.
It was very very very hot day!
I put lots of sun screen not to get sun burn!

I also played baseball almost for the first time!
It was really really fun time!


★2008 Bejing Olympic★

(wish 2008 Beijing Olympic success)

Finally this day has came!!!

Fewer people and cars on the street today.

I am also super excited!!!


Eating Crawfish

I've never thought I ate CRAWFISH!!
After the World War Ⅱ, Japan imported crawfish
for eating from other countries to make up for the loss
of food.
But as time goes by, Japanese people used not to eat it.
I found eatable crawfish in China for the first time.
Me and my friends visited a restaurant for supper.
I refused to eat it, but my friends asked me to try it.
Well, it was not too bad. I don't say it's good, but I can eat it.....



The worldwide famous ice cream store,
Haagen-Dazs has opened at Dalian!!

You can buy a ice candy for one yuan in China,
but you have to pay for ↑this for 70 yuan!!!!

But it's worth paying for, I guess.
Service is good, other guests' behavior is also good.

I want to visit here every time I get pay.



Me and my friends went to the beach on last Sunday.
It was very very hot hot day! I put so much sun screen not to
get sun burn!

There are some objects made by sand.
One of them has the Beijing Olympic mascot and
say "One World One Dream"

There are so so so many people on the beach.
last summer when I went there, girls wore not
bikini, but this summer, i saw so many girls wore
bikinis!! What happened to them??